For the aka-info-pavilion competition 2011 for the 250 year anniversary of the stuttgart state academy of art and design, we designed four ribbons that are synonymous to the four faculties of the academy – art, architecture, design and science are entangled to each other. It is a metaphor for the interdisciplinary that characterises the school. The design follows the idea of a common identity of both the students and the teachers. The concept of interdisciplinary is also reflected by dealing with the internal and external space. Borders come apart. The result is a dynamic appearance, a spacial continuum that is still a meeting point and a space for communication on the campus. Before we could build up the pavilion within one day we prefabricated it in the workshops for four weeks.
2011, Free Project, Stuttgart. [ Team: Hans Henrik Fricke, Jan Herres, Markus Marschall]